Francesco Franchini graduated in Architecture achieving the highest score, with a thesis titled “Tirana, Scanderbeg Square: urban requalification and new interventions”.Since 2009 he’s been freelancing; at the same time he started a regular collaboration with Rossi Prodi Associati studio on public and private commissions. After this experience he worked at the Technical Department of Comune di Pontassieve and moving to Comune di Rignano sull’ Arno as assistant to the RUP follwing the request of the chief officer. In 2014 he started working full time as a freelance architect, ending his career in the public sector.

Francesco Franchini Architetto
operates since 2010 between architecture and interior design, offering a wide range of services. The studio has a network of trustworthy professionals specialized in different areas, with common high standard working ethos which applies to the design and execution process. Francesco Franchini acts as supervisor for the team using his professional experience acquired in the public and private sector. The studio assists his clients in the whole building process: from idea definition to executional details, offering turnkey services. The design starts from a careful analysis of the the client’s requests to create spaces that are tailored on the future users. Materials, lights and colors are the matrix of each project. The synergy with highly qualified craftsmen allows to custom each work and to achieve accuracy and quality until the detail scale. The studio also takes care of real estate consultancy and CTP in legal controversies.